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JLeslie's avatar

Have you been to a gender reveal party?

Asked by JLeslie (65486points) October 28th, 2019 from iPhone

The pregnant mom throws a party and during the party everyone finds out if the baby is a boy or girl. I saw an article today that at a reveal something exploded (set on purpose) and a piece of shrapnel hit a woman at the party and it killed her. Some reveal parties they dye the cake pink or blue, and when they cut the cake then everyone knows the baby’s gender.

Are these parties gift giving parties? Or, just a party to get together with friends?

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34 Answers

rebbel's avatar

That used to be the day of birth before, right, the gender reveal?

ucme's avatar

We had scans for that.

jca2's avatar

I have never been to one.

It seems like there are so many types of parties now and they’re all gift grabs. There never used to be such a thing as an engagement party, now there are engagement parties in addition to the bridal shower. Bridal showers are often weekend-long affairs with the party, and then the bachelorette party with an additional brunch the next day, etc. The gender reveal party is now in addition to the baby shower. I’m no Debbie Downer, I love parties, but what used to be simple stuff, shower in a house type of thing, is now big money for the host and expensive for the guest.

I see different types of reveal methods on Pinterest and other sites.

JLeslie's avatar

@jca2 So, there is an expectation of gifts at the gender reveal party and the engagement party? I’ve never been to either one.

When I first heard of an engagement party I thought maybe it replaces the bridal shower, and that men can attend. Same with gender reveal, I guess that men can be at that foo.

canidmajor's avatar

I went to one, I’ve been invited to more, none of them were gift grabs, they were just excuses to have a party. Any excuse to eat cake is a good one, IMO.
As for the person who was wounded, that says more about the idiocy of someone who threw a party, not about gender reveal parties.

I like an excuse to celebrate something.

JLeslie's avatar

@canidmajor At the gender reveal party you went to was it for both men and women to attend?

janbb's avatar

I haven’t heard them as gift grabs. I’ve heard of them but never been to one. Personally, I frown a bit on having so many parties around a single common event – even though it is of utmost meaning to the people involved. But then I kind of like the old way of finding out the sex when the baby is born. (Call me Old Grouch.)

canidmajor's avatar

@JLeslie, pretty much, yeah. It was evening, there were hors d’oeuvres and wine. It was a regular theme party. Good cake.

JLeslie's avatar

@janbb Does any of the tradition and superstition play into it? Not to have things for the baby in the house, not to assume everything will be smooth, because it can jinx things. I don’t mean that I think you believe in the superstitions, but that maybe you see the reasoning behind the superstitions that pregnancies can have unexpected difficulties.

filmfann's avatar

I’ve been to a few.
The answer was supplied by paint balls and dyed cake.
I preferred the old days, where the parents found out at birth.

jca2's avatar

Started a wildfire and other fun (this link in reference to details from OP):

Most dangerous gender reveal parties.

filmfann's avatar

My other answer:

Oh, sure. I’ve been to a gender reveal party, anyway that’s what the invitation said. When I got there, everybody else was wearing pants.
What a let down.

rebbel's avatar

That’s funny, @filmfann :-)

janbb's avatar

@JLeslie I don’t think it’s that but I know what you mean. I had the nursery all set up before my first son’s birth; didn’t wait until after. I just think it’s a bit unseemly to have a party at every step of a wedding or a birth. Also, I did kind of like the old way when you didn’t know until the baby was born what the sex was bur obviously those days are gone.

I’ve been invited to wedding and baby showers where there were 60 or 70 guests and that’s overdoing it in my mind. Maybe it’s the overdoing part more than the gender reveal party, per se, that bothers me.

ucme's avatar

Been to a few “baby showers” but that’s a whole new ball game.

elbanditoroso's avatar

I went to a strip club once with some friends – sort of a bachelor party – there was absolutely no doubt about the dancers’ gender as it was revealed.

JLeslie's avatar

@janbb I don’t mind the large party, but I do think multiple parties becomes ridiculous sometimes. The thing I mind the most about showers is opening the gifts at the party; I think that is so odd. Unless, it’s truly going to have no pressure or competition, like a pantry bridal shower, but that isn’t common anymore. I think these days a “living in your first place on your own” party makes more sense. Most people move out on their own before getting married now I would think. I guess that’s the same as a house warming.

ragingloli's avatar

Yeah, but I got arrested, because the term did not mean what I thought it meant.

jca2's avatar

Here’s the Arizona wildfire video, showing reveal and then realization that it’s time to leave:

raum's avatar


I wouldn’t have one myself.
But I appreciate any excuse for cake.

Demosthenes's avatar

I’m so white I went to a gender reveal party for a dog. ;)

@ragingloli Best answer :D

raum's avatar


I think that has more to do with class than race. Don’t think anyone I know has gone to a dog gender reveal party.

hmmmmmm's avatar

I have never been to one, and never heard of one in real life. Seems an odd thing in 2019 to make a thing of a potential baby’s biological sex and equate that with gender. I wonder if this is a political thing that is meant to push back against the modern concept of gender-identity.

We didn’t find out the biological sex of our 3 babies until they were born. Most of our friends and family went the same route.

janbb's avatar

@hmmmmmm The few people I’ve heard of doing it were yuppie progressives.

kritiper's avatar

Do you mean a sans pants party??

canidmajor's avatar

@hmmmmmm Surely you realize that in this case the use of the word “gender” is to avoid the uncomfortable association of the word “sex” when referring to a baby. Nothing political here.

raum's avatar

Genital reveal party!
Just call it like it is, man.

hmmmmmm's avatar

Honestly, I had no idea that this was really a thing. I’m just now Googling about it. Seems that many have themes (“Tiaras or Trucks?”, “Pistols or Pearls?”, etc), and the emphasis is on pink vs blue.

Are these events more commonly tongue in cheek, with people poking fun of the the binary concept of gender?

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I avoided the one I was invited to.

wiscoblond's avatar

I haven’t been to one and I wouldn’t go.

Now that I have a transgender teen the idea sounds very asinine to me. I’ll send you a gender neutral present once the baby is born.

filmfann's avatar

By the way, it is a custom in my family to describe the baby, at birth, as 10, 10, and 1 or 10, 10, and 0, referring to fingers, toes, and extras.

Sagacious's avatar

No. To me this is goofy. Young people don’t respect their own private lives. Everything needs witnesses and photos. Live with that friggin’ phone in their hands. God save us…...........

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